Green Living

Healthy outdoor living means protecting the environment. Today more designers and consumers are interested in ecologically-friendly designs and products. Sturdy, durable outdoor furniture with a long lifespan is more appealing than "disposable" furniture meant to last only a few seasons.

    Products That Withstand the Test of Time Just ask around, Homecrest customers are well aware of the longevity of our products. Many consumers have had Homecrest outdoor patio furniture that is over 30 years old, and they are still using it with great satisfaction.

    Homecrest Outdoor Living products are designed and tested for an extended life cycle to reduce our impact on the environment. We consistently conduct testing at higher levels than the industry requires, ensuring our product life span for many years.

    Our outdoor patio furniture frames are aluminum and steel, all of which are recyclable materials. In addition the cardboard cartons used to ship Homecrest furniture are recyclable and our packaging is designed to have as minimal an environmental impact as possible. Chairs, chaises, and tables are packed in multiple-units to reduce packaging.

    Heat from our finishing ovens is captured to help warm the manufacturing facility in cold weather. A significant concern as temperatures in Minnesota can plummet to 10 - 20 degrees below zero in the winter months.

    All processes meet or exceed EPA standards. In our continued journey to become a “greener” enterprise, Homecrest's metal pre-treat process is 100% phosphate-free, which plays an important role in our efforts to protect the environment. Phosphates are not naturally found in large quantities in freshwater systems, but runoff from manufacturing processes can create an excess of phosphates in lakes and streams. High phosphorus levels promote the overgrowth of organisms like algae. This can deplete oxygen levels and create an uninhabitable environment for other underwater creatures. The plant cleaning and finishing systems are water-born, not chemical-born, protecting our employees and the environment.

    Rejuvenate Your Homecrest Furniture

    Replacement slings and cushions are available to extend the life of your Homecrest Outdoor Living furniture. Just visit your local dealer or click here to order new slings, cushions, paints, parts, and more from Homecrest to make the most out of your outdoor patio furniture.